1. VISION 2023
Eat & Connect
Connection Activation (20 mins)
Most groups eat together so we imagine the connection activation happens whilst eating.
Goal – Growing in our ability to give and receive love. From The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman (acts of service, quality time, physical touch, gifts and words of affirmation) how do you best receive love? (N.B. you often will do to others what you most want them to do to you - so how do you show love the most?) Most people have more than one way so don’t get squashed into just picking one. The goal is to learn to appreciate how someone washing up is their way of saying ‘I love you’, or someone bringing a cake, or someone who wants a hug. Take time to celebrate how each person loves well in your group and learn to speak to others in a way that best communicates love to their heart. If anyone wants to explore this more during the week then here is a quiz that helps.
Testimonies (10 mins)
How has God loved you this week? Or how have you shown God’s love to another?
Worship Activation (20 mins)
In our groups we are going to explore some outward expressions of worship together in the coming weeks. To begin, discuss how you feel about outward expressions of worship (kneeling, lifting hands, etc.) and then what you know the Bible says about outward expressions of worship. As a group leader you may want to read the following section of a blog post by Bob Kauflin, author of the book Worship Matters, beforehand to help you guide the discussion:
Worship of God was never meant to be mere intellectual engagement with biblical truths. Nor is it limited to an inner emotional response. God created our bodies to glorify him (1 Cor. 6:20). We aren’t pursuing a Gnostic spirituality that downplays or negates the importance of the body in true spirituality (Rom. 12:1; Phil. 1:20). God commands us to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. That certainly includes the bodies he’s given us.
Many of the words that we translate as “worship” in both Greek and Hebrew contain the idea of bodily movement. The two most prominent words – histahawah in the Old Testament, and proskynein in the Greek – connote the idea of bending over at the waist or bowing down as an expression of homage. In addition, physical expression is both commanded and spontaneously modeled in Scripture as a way of giving God glory. (Ex. 12:27; Job 1:20; Ps. 47:1; Ps. 95:6). Those expressions include clapping, singing, bowing, kneeling, lifting hands, shouting, playing instruments, dancing, and standing in awe (Ps. 47:1; Eph. 5:19; Ps. 95:6; Ps. 134:2; Ps. 33:1; Rev. 15:2; Ps. 149:3; Ps. 22:23).
Some have pointed out that the New Testament contains few references to physical expression other than kneeling, singing, and lifting hands (although this last one isn’t emphasized too often). However, it’s not readily apparent that the bodily responses commanded in the Old Testament have been superseded or fulfilled in Christ’s high priestly work, or that we now obey them only in a “spiritualized” manner. (“I’m shouting in my heart.”) Rather, we need to seek to apply these Scriptures in a way that truly honors God and edifies the church.
Our posture - Kneeling
The first outward expression we will look at together is kneeling. Ask someone in the group to read out Psalm 95:6-7.
Optional Discussion: What does kneeling communicate?
Activity: Play This is our God and take the opportunity to kneel (or sit on the floor) as a group before our King and our Maker.
Invite people to kneel. As the music begins to play you may want to read the following to help focus people and draw them into a place of worship.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”
- John 10:14-15
“If he were only a king on a throne, you’d submit to him just because you have to. But he’s a king who went to the cross for you. Therefore you can submit to him out of love and trust.”
- Tim Keller
Let’s place ourselves at his feet, under his care, submitting to him out of love and trust. In this act of reverence let’s take the opportunity to hear his voice. When the song has finished do not feel the need to move on straight away. Sense where people are at and give an opportunity, if appropriate, to kneel for longer.
Pray to finish. Give an opportunity for people to share what they have heard from God.
Bible Study (30 mins) - Acts 16
What is St Thomas’ vision for 2023?
Where in the passage (Acts 16) do we see Encounter? Family? Generosity? What difference did it make to the people then?
Did these things lead to transformation? How?
In his sermon Ben used this quote from R.C. Sproul:
“It is the task of the church to make the invisible kingdom visible. We do that by living in such a way that we bear witness to the reality of the kingship of Christ in our jobs, our families, our schools, and even our chequebooks, because God in Christ is King over every one of these spheres of life. The only way the kingdom of God is going to be manifest in this world before Christ comes is if we manifest it by the way we live as citizens of heaven and subjects of the King.”
R.C. Sproul talks about manifesting the Kingdom, what do you think that means? What’s it look for us to live in a way that causes God’s will come about where we are?
In other words, how do we become thermostats and not just be thermometers?
How can we encourage one another and be more intentional to live as citizens of heaven seeing heaven break out on earth?
Response (10 mins)
As a group is there one of these three areas (encounter, family, generosity) that we need to grow in the most? How can we do that? What is one thing we can each commit to do this week towards that goal? Who can you ask at church/work/home about their love languages?
Prayer (20 mins)
This week we are going to pray as a whole church at the same time each day.
Each week we’ll pray the Lord’s Prayer and focus on one or two lines of it to direct our own prayers.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.
From what we’ve learned in this session, pray into what God’s kingdom coming and God’s will being done on earth as in heaven looks like. Pray that our St Thomas’ community would encounter God more, grow as healthy family, and become a radically generous people.
Don’t forget to encourage the use of WhatsApp to send in any specific prayer requests for your week so we can be praying for each other.