Vision & Values
Following Jesus
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. At the core of everything we do is a deep commitment to following Him. We love seeing peoples' lives transformed when they encounter Jesus, and we celebrate this transformation with regular baptisms.
Building Community
The church is not a social club – it is a family that we are called to. We value commitment to one another, serving one another, and creating spaces to enable deep relationships to flourish.
Loving Newcastle
We are praying for God's kingdom to come in the North East, as in heaven. We exist to serve the city and to proclaim the good news of Jesus in the power of the Spirit, so that we might see the region transformed.
Planting Churches
As the Resource Church for the Diocese of Newcastle, we are called to resource mission and ministry across this region by planting and revitalising churches across the North East – for the sake of God's kingdom.
Reliance – we depend on the presence and power of God
Family – we pursue life-giving relationships
Joy – we celebrate the coming kingdom
Integrity – we do as we promise
Innovation – we participate in the renewal of all things
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