Discipleship Year
What is DY?
New Wine Discipleship Year at St Thomas’ Newcastle is all about learning to love Jesus Christ, by being immersed in God's word, filled with God's Spirit, and sent out to build God's kingdom in our city. Each week will consist of both teaching and practical application in an area of ministry - and over the year, you'll also head away for two residential trips. The first is a residential based in the UK in the first term, and the second is our Discipleship Year Bible Week in Spain! You will also have opportunities to serve at regional and national New Wine conferences, along with New Wine in summer.
DY is all about learning to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus. You were made for a life of purpose and devotion - so dedicate a year to laying the right foundations for it.
Who is it for?
At St Thomas’, we welcome applications from those aged 18-29 looking to:
Develop a secure understanding of your identity in Christ
Grow in reading and understanding God's word
Increase in godliness, self-discipline, and joy
Be equipped to use your spiritual gifts to serve God's church
Spend a year in church-based ministry
The application process is simple - drop Brogan Hume an email and we can begin the conversation about what DY might look like for you. From there, you’ll be invited to fill out an application form on the New Wine Website.
What is taught on the course?
DY at St Thomas’ has three core elements - local teaching, local experience, and a national programme of residential trips and serving opportunities.
Local Teaching
Our teaching at St Thomas’ is based around six modules, which are run on Mondays.
Over the course of the year you will study:
Introduction to Biblical Theology
Introducing the Spiritual Disciplines
Secure Forever: The Christian Identity
Discipling Others through the Word of God
Ministering in the Power of God
A Faith Worth Sharing: Evangelism & Mission
As we’re part of the New Wine Discipleship Year nationally, our curriculum is designed to answer the five question framework common to all NWDY Hubs:
How has God uniquely revealed Himself in Scripture? This includes the big picture story of the bible, and an in depth study of a book of the bible.
How is God experienced today through the Spirit? This includes training in how we minister to one another through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and spend time in his presence both individually and collectively.
How is God calling us to a life of joyfulness and holiness? This includes understanding our identity in Christ, and how this understanding changes how we live here and now.
How does God meet us through the spiritual disciplines? This includes how we put into practice spending time in the presence of God.
How does God work in and through his church to build his kingdom? This includes training in how to help someone start following Christ, disciple others through God's word, and engage in culture.
Local Experience
Each DY Student is placed either at St Thomas’ or another local church where they get experience in ministry, and put into practice what they've learned about in the teaching programme. These placements provide both excellent experience for a CV, and also a really good basis for going into a full-time church-based ministry role (like a youth worker, administrator, or exploring ordained ministry).
Our current placements include, or have included in the past:
Media and Creative
Administration & Ops
Pastoral Care
In addition, we’re also open to conversations about placements involving social justice and church planting.
It may also be the case that if you have a particular interest there will be the capacity to create a placement that allows you to exercise or experience that type of ministry.
National Programme
The national DY programme consists of two residential trips, and two conference serving opportunities.
The first residential is based in the UK and covers the core topic of identity in Christ. This is often a life-changing three days for people, where God does a profound work of revealing afresh his love and power in our lives. We spend time in worship together, and the teaching is always working through a book of the Bible, asking God to apply his word by the power of his Spirit. There are also seminars on various topics relating to how we put into practice our call to follow Jesus. This is held in November.
The second residential is based in Spain and covers the topic of kingdom life. This is a five-day trip to allow more time for bible teaching and seminars, hosted in a beautiful location! Similar to the first weekend, there will be plenty of time for worship, practical seminars and workshops, and working through a book of the Bible - with other talks and sessions as well. This is held in February.
There is also the opportunity to serve at two conferences. Everyone serves at New Wine in summer - your team place, catering, camping, and ticket are all included in the year. There is also the chance to serve at another conference run by New Wine - either the New Wine Leadership Conference, one of the Women's Conferences, or the Worship Tour.
So what does the typical week look like?
You'll start the week on Sunday at church - this will often involve some area of serving alongside your worship and being part of the church family. At St Thomas’ you serve on a team at one service (e.g. for the morning service), and are not on any rotas for the other. You’ll have Monday set aside for intentional training, where you'll come alongside other DY students based at your hub to study and learn together. This curriculum is outlined above. During the week, you'll also spend time on placement - serving in an area of church life.
What does it cost?
The Discipleship Year will cost students £1500, which covers all your teaching and training, including the two residential trips. Full fees are due by the course start date, although you should speak to us if this would be a prohibiting factor. At St Thomas’, we’re pleased to offer housing included in that figure. This represents a significant investment from us as a church, and therefore places on DY are capped each year.
When can I start?
The year starts in September 2025 and finishes after New Wine 2026. Please note, we do not take anyone starting late on the course.