14 Days – Church Leaders


When you know and love Jesus, one of the most exciting moments in life is praying with someone else as they commit to follow him. Yet there is always a question as to how to help people start reading the bible as a daily discipline. At St Thomas’ Newcastle, we use 14 Days as an introductory resource for those new to faith, or on the edge of faith, to help them start reading the scriptures for themselves.

So whether it is during Sunday service, or a coffee in the middle of the week - when someone wants to start following Christ and being obedient to God’s word we’ve got a resource that is immediately available to them. The language is jargon-free, and the focus of the booklet is helping people read the text of scripture rather than the reflections offered on the passages. It’s accessible and Jesus-centred, firmly committed to the authority of God’s word, and is also beautifully designed. It’s a resource that you can delight to give away: it looks beautiful, it’s biblically faithful, and helps people follow Jesus.

Pick up the eBook for free.

Order in bulk through 10ofThose to bring the cost down to £1.63 per booklet.