2. Following Jesus


Eat & Connect


Take it in turns to share one thing we probably don’t know about you. (e.g. you have ridden an ostrich?) This is an invitation to be more known (and can be answered on so many different levels). It’s also a great connection question to ask your friends this week. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”



Any stories where you have met with God this week? Think how you can articulate your experience of God in the most powerful but succinct way, make it “short, brief and powerful”.

If you have time, share something of your first encounter with Jesus, when you met him for the first time.


We’re continuing to explore some outward expressions of worship together. Like last week, we’ll try a posture inclined towards encounter.

To begin, share with each other the last time you used your body’s posture to communicate something, it may have been in a moment of worship, or some other example. How did your posture contribute to how you felt in that moment?

Our posture - an inclined heart

The first outward expression we explored together was kneeling. This week, we’ll develop that theme. This week, pray this section of Paul’s prayer from Ephesians 3:14-19 over each other.

Optional Discussion: What other postures might convey the same heart inclination as kneeling?

Activity: Like last week, play This is our God. Take up a deliberate body-posture to match your inclined heart. You may wish to kneel again, perhaps bowing down further. You may have another posture that helps your body describe the direction of your heart. It could be as simple as sitting with your head bowed. Recognise Jesus as our King and our Maker. 

As the music begins to play you may want to the following again, to help focus people and draw them into a place of worship.

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”

- John 10:14-15

“If he were only a king on a throne, you’d submit to him just because you have to. But he’s a king who went to the cross for you. Therefore you can submit to him out of love and trust.”

- Tim Keller

Let’s place ourselves at his feet, with our hearts turned upwards toward him. We are under his care, rest in God’s presence with love and trust. Take the opportunity to listen for and hear his voice.

When the song has finished do not feel the need to move on straight away. If it seems right, take the opportunity to rest in place for a little longer.

Pray to finish. Make space for people to share what they have heard from God.



This week’s passage is a story of encounter with Jesus. Think back to your first encounter with Jesus.

With that in mind, read through the passage for this week (Lk 19:1-10).

Does anything immediately strike you about the story of Zacchaeus?

When we encounter Jesus, he confounds our expectations.

Work through the story, who’s expectations were confounded and how? Is there anything you find surprising about what happened?

In verse 5, Jesus looks at Zacchaeus, sees him where others hadn’t, and reorders the value structure of their culture by inviting himself round to Zacchaeus’ home. Jesus reveals Zacchaeus’ true value, by honouring him as his guest. After Jesus has accepted Zacchaeus and demonstrated his true worth, the encounter he’s had leads Zacchaeus to some pretty big life choices, completely turning his life 180º in the other direction.

What is your true value? Spend a little time helping each other to see your true worth in Jesus’ eyes. As a result of our encounter with Jesus, how do we need to repent, what parts of our life do we need to turn 180º?

Encounters like this are not just for Sundays, not just for our Group night, not just for church, they should be our everyday expectation.

How many of us, in our daily choices around our time and heart posture, choose to pursue an encounter with God each day? Living a life of encounter is as simple as 1, 2, 3, that’s 1. Worship, 2. Bible, 3. Prayer. We all have at least 6 mins to spare somewhere in our day, so we can all take 2 mins to worship, read the Bible and to pray.

Take what time you have and split it into 3, discuss together how we can spend a realistic and achievable amount of time in worship, in the Bible and in prayer each day in the coming week. What ways can we worship, where’s a good place to go to in our Bibles, who or what can we be praying for?



How are you challenged by the invitation to pursue encounter this week?

Who could we invite to be a part of this Group?


Pray the Lord’s Prayer together, pay special attention to the lines in bold.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Jesus came to show us the Father and make it possible to encounter Him. He taught us to pray ‘Our Father’. Spend some time intentionally thinking about all that Jesus has given you access to and hear the fresh invitation to know our Father in heaven.

What does He want you to know tonight as we listen for His voice? Who are you praying for to come to know Jesus?