Don’t forget to intentionally connect with one another, share testimonies and spend some time worshipping together. As we begin this new series we will have more of an outward focus - how can we reach those who don’t know the good news of Jesus?
Eat & Connect
While you eat together, why not discuss the following question:
What is the most radical thing you have ever done?
Inspired by Lee’s example from his talk, share something radical you have done for the kingdom of God.
What have you seen God do in your life this week?
Worship song suggestion: Consuming Fire
Pray for one another that the Spirit of God may fan into flame a deeper passion and love for God.
Read Matthew 9:35-38.
Lee’s points from his sermon were:
The Radical Kingdom - verse 35
The Radical Ministry - verse 36
The Radical Ask - verse 37-38
The Radical Kingdom
What does it mean for the kingdom of God to be radical?
How does the radical nature of God's kingdom contrast with worldly values and expectations?
In what ways do we experience the radical nature of God's kingdom in our lives today?
The Radical Ministry
How did Jesus' ministry reflect radical love, compassion, and healing?
How can we live a radical life like Jesus?
"It is no good giving me a play like Hamlet or King Lear, and telling me to write a play like that. Shakespeare could do it; I can’t.
And it is no good showing me a life like the life of Jesus and telling me to live a life like that. Jesus could do it; I can’t.
But if the genius of Shakespeare could come and live in me, then I could write plays like his.
And if the Spirit of Jesus could come and live in me, then I could live a life like His."
- Archbishop William Temple
The Radical Ask
Who are the "few" mentioned in the passage, and what characteristics or qualities do they possess?
What is the significance of Jesus' statement that the labourers are few?
How can we become part of the radical few and engage in the work of the kingdom?
Who is it that God has called you to? Which bit of the harvest field are you working in? How can you ‘pray and ask’ for more workers?
If you have time, prayer walk around the local area or even do an imaginative prayer walk around your place of work. Invite others from the group into this so that they may join you in asking and praying!