Don’t forget to intentionally connect with one another, share testimonies and spend some time worshipping together.
Why not share your highs and lows of the week and use these to pray for one another as you start your time together.
Mission - Try Church
Are there people who you invited to try church over the past few weeks? How did this go?
As we think about the life that Jesus has won for us, bringing us from death to life so that we would ‘thirst no more’, why not use these songs to help frame your worship this week?
Song Suggestions
O Come to the Altar
Who you say I am
Bible Study
Read John 4:5-29.
Jesus' Radical Love
What does it mean to you that Jesus loves everyone regardless of who they are? How does Jesus' radical love challenge your understanding of God's love?
How have you experienced Jesus' radical love in your own life?
How can we share Jesus' radical love with others?
Jesus' Radical Life
Imagine being the woman at the well. Jesus knows everything about her and yet loves her and invites her to drink from the water that will never run out. The same is true for you. How does this make you feel about yourself?
What are some of the ways that we try to dig our own wells to drink from? (For the woman at the well it was relationships - what is it you turn to for satisfaction?)
How can we invite others to drink from the living water that Jesus offers?
Jesus’ Radical News
What does it mean to you that what Jesus offers is not advice, but news?
On the cross Jesus cried “I thirst”. Jesus was cut off from the source of living water so that we could have access to it. He has done everything necessary for us to be saved. How does this change the way we approach our relationship with Jesus?
How can we share Jesus' radical news with others?
Recognise where you have been going for satisfaction, rather than Jesus. Hand that over to him.
Pray that you may drink deeply from the living water that Jesus offers.
Pray for one another to bring Jesus’ love, life and news to others.