Have you had any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?

What is the most radical thing you have done recently?

What has been the most restful period of your life? why?


Song suggestion: Lean Back


Read Matthew 11:25-30.

Share personal experiences of being tired and weary.

Recent news articles have alluded to the fact that we are more exhausted than ever before. Why do you think this is the case?

Where in your life do you need to rest and reset the most?

How does Jesus’ relationship with the Father exemplify rest? What can we learn from this?

Discuss Jesus’ invitation to rest. How does the rest that Jesus offers differ from the worldly concept of rest?

What can you do to prioritise rest in your daily life as a simple act of resistance against the ways of the world and a declaration of the sovereignty of God?

What does it mean for you to trust Jesus’ promise that he will give you rest? What does it mean that his yoke is easy and his burden is light?



Write down any worries or burdens that are weighing you down. Spend some time thinking about giving them to Jesus and then place the paper in the “fire” as you give it to Him. Use the song above again if it helps to then lean back into His arms and take on His yoke and burden which is easy and light.


Pray for each other’s week ahead and speak His peace and rest into all of the upcoming events. Particularly pray for good sleep and Godly dreams. Pray for opportunities to release this radical rest for all those that we meet this week who are in need.