Monday 11th May | Peter Spencer
The themes shown within these three readings strongly reflect our society during this time and what we are experiencing during this global pandemic. Firstly, Psalm 145 explores the almighty presence and love the Lord gives, and that he has compassion on all that he has made (Psalm 145:9). Therefore, during uncertain and unclear times when our lives may seem disjointed, we can have the trust that the Lord will get us through this, as he is compassionate towards us and loves us so dearly. He picks us up and gives us strength when we are struggling (Psalm 145:14), and at the moment we may ourselves feel weaker than before or know others who need to hear God’s word, a word that brings such love, compassion and healing to all those who need it. This almighty power and presence is reflected as the Israelites set up their camp, and the cloud above the tabernacle looked like fire (Numbers 9:15). Clouds can be seen as a mass of emptiness, which would be our lives without God. However, the fact that the empty clouds looked like fire shows the Lord’s presence and how he can bring new life and strength into any situation or person, no matter how weak or empty they may feel.
There are times where we may feel that God is not nearby when we are suffering, for instance from an illness. As Jesus went to the home of Simon (Luke 4:38), Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and she was healed by Jesus. This seems so relevant during this time where there are people suffering, however as is read further in the passage, Jesus healed many people who had all kinds of illnesses (Luke 4:40). We can use this miracle as hope and trust that the Lord will heal us as individuals, as a family, and as a planet. Even when things seem beyond anyone’s control, we need to remember what Jesus managed in this passage – he healed many people – and therefore give praise to the Lord for his healing and miraculous love.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your presence, when we are high on the mountain or low in the valley. When we are weak, we call to you God, and we pray that you will help us to call to you in every situation Lord, giving thanks and praise for your presence and love.
We thank you for the healing which you are bringing to many people around the world, and we pray that we will be filled with the knowledge that your healing is more powerful than anything.
Father, please help us to be enlightened by your word during this time and may we continue to remember the healing of many from this passage, when we are in need of healing ourselves, or healing for others. You are always there God, listening, loving and working. Thank you almighty Lord.
In Jesus’ name,
Almighty God,
Who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ
Have overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life:
Grant that, as by your grace going before us
You put into our minds good desires,
So by your continual help
We may bring them to good effect;
Through Jesus Christ our risen Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.