Monday 13th April | Rachel Kirkby


Psalm 111

Psalm 117

Exodus 12:1-14

1 Corinthians 15:1-11


In Exodus 12 the Israelites are given instructions for the passover. The blood of the sacrificed lamb would serve as a sign to the Lord to pass over the Israelite houses when he struck the land with the plague of death. In the same way, when judgement eventually comes to us we will be pardoned because of the sacrificed blood of Jesus, the ultimate lamb.

Look closely at verse 11. “These are your instructions for eating the meal: Be fully dressed, wear your sandals, and carry your walking stick in your hand. Eat the meal with urgency, for this is the Lord’s passover.”

The Israelite people were to eat the passover meal with urgency, dressed as if they were ready for travel. Remember they were still in the land of Egypt at this time, yet the Lord had promised that he would lead them out. Dressing in readiness for this journey demonstrated their faith that God would uphold this promise of freedom.

Yesterday we celebrated the risen King Jesus. We have fresh in our minds the freedom that we have secured through Christ's death and resurrection. Are we dressed and ready to go into all that God has called us to, now that that freedom has been secured?

As the writer in Psalm 111 declares: “He has paid a full ransom for his people. He has guaranteed his covenant with them forever” (v9).

The bill has been paid, the blood has been shed, death has been defeated. You are now free to step into a new life.

The question I find myself asking on this Easter Monday is ‘what is God calling me to do with that freedom?’


Dear Lord,

Thank you that because of Christ’s blood shed on the cross, the price for our sin has been paid. We praise you that our freedom has been secured in his dying and raising to new life.

Today, as we hold in our minds the amazing truth of the Easter story, challenge us to prepare our hearts and minds for what you are calling us to do with the freedom you have gifted us.



Lord of all life and power,

Who through the mighty resurrection of your Son

Overcame the old order of sin and death

To make all things new in him:

Grant that we, being dead to sin 

And alive to you in Jesus Christ,

May reign with him in glory;

to whom with you and the Holy Spirit

Be praise and honour, glory and might,

Now and in all eternity.


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 14th April | Naomi Watson


Sunday 12th April | Ben Doolan