Wednesday 13th May | Rachel Charter
During this time of lockdown I’ve found myself relating to the words of many of the Psalms. They are where my heart is at, at this time. In our reading in Psalm 30 today we see David praising God for how he has rescued him, lifted him out of the depths and healed him and he calls the people to sing praises to The Lord. Are we still praising God in this time of crisis, for ourselves, our country and our world? It can be hard to praise and rejoice when there is so much sadness and desperation around us.
In our reading in Luke we see two desperate situations. A man covered with leprosy and another man who was paralysed. What happened in these situations? When the man covered with Leprosy saw Jesus he cried out and fell to the ground in desperation begging, “Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean.”v12 When he cried out to Jesus for help, Jesus healed him. In verse 18 we see the friends of a man who was paralysed, desperate for him to meet with Jesus so he could be healed. These friends cried out in a practical way on behalf of their friend, they took him to Jesus because he couldn’t get there himself. In the passage in Numbers 12, Moses, who had such a close relationship with God, cried out on behalf of Miriam who had been struck down with leprosy. He saw a need a cried out to God.
In these difficult days are we crying out to Jesus, for ourselves and on behalf of others? Are we looking to that time where we can say “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.” Psalm 30:11-12 We may not now see full physical or mental healing but God wants to meet with us in our pain as well as in our joy and we know that we can receive that fullness of life in him despite what is going on in our lives. Pain and suffering is hard but if we constantly turn to him we can receive God’s peace.
Luke 5:16 says that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Are we finding that quiet place to meet with Jesus at this time? Life may be good for you at the moment - then find that quiet place to praise God and cry out on behalf of others who are struggling. Maybe like me you’re finding life tough - then cry your heart out to God, give him your worries, your struggles and your praise. Maybe write your own Psalm of desperation and praise. God loves to hear from his children.
In all situations our response to God should be praise. We praise in the pain and in the joys and we seek his loving face at this time.
Father God, who hears our hearts’ deepest cries, draw us closer to you. Teach us to turn to you more in our joys and sorrows, knowing that you will meet us where we are.
In Jesus’ name,
Almighty God,
Who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ
Have overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life:
Grant that, as by your grace going before us
You put into our minds good desires,
So by your continual help
We may bring them to good effect;
Through Jesus Christ our risen Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.