Friday 17th April | Ellie Doolan
Today’s bible readings speak of hope and God’s faithfulness to his people. In the troubling and confusing times we find ourselves in at the moment this is a perfectly timed reminder of the promises God has for us.
We see in Psalm 115, the writer reminding God’s people to trust in the Lord. They speak against the idolatry in the nations and want to focus people’s attention back to God - for he alone is their help and shield.
Then in the passage from Exodus we see God’s faithfulness in action. Pharaoh has finally said to the Israelites they can go free from slavery in Egypt and they have begun their journey to the Red Sea. Verse 18 begins with “So God led the people”. We see this time and again in the story of Exodus. God always had a plan, his people just had to obey. But they were afraid - Pharaoh had changed his mind and sent his soldiers after them. But again Moses reminded the Israelites “The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.”
So what about for us?
The whole story of Exodus points to the ultimate promise God has for us in 1 Corinthians 15 - the resurrection body, eternal life through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, victory over death.
God made with Moses and his people a covenant and a promise of a new land. Jesus came to bring us a new covenant through his blood and resurrection - the promise of new life in Him and with him for eternity.
And so we can rejoice, in the midst of our circumstances, just like in Psalm 149. “Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise is the assembly of his faithful people.” Today we can join in this song. We can praise God for he is good and he is faithful.
Faithful Father,
Thank you that we can see your promises throughout all of the Bible.
thank you that you sent your Son Jesus to bring us a new covenant - that we can be in relationship with you through his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection.
Help us today to remember your goodness and faithfulness in every circumstance we find ourselves in. May we sing a new song of praise to you and celebrate all you have done for us. Amen.
Lord of all life and power,
Who through the mighty resurrection of your Son
Overcame the old order of sin and death
To make all things new in him:
Grant that we, being dead to sin
And alive to you in Jesus Christ,
May reign with him in glory;
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
Be praise and honour, glory and might,
Now and in all eternity.