Wednesday 1st April | Maddie Morrison
This sudden restriction of freedom has brought up a lot of ugly characteristics in me; anxiety, rebelliousness, selfishness, jealousy – you name it, I’ve had it.
In contrast, the characteristics of God, within the passages, have reminded me of how our obedience to God, through reliance and perseverance can bring about unprecedented changes in ourselves, and our attitude to any circumstance.
I felt myself reflected back in Exodus 9. As Pharaoh prioritises meeting his own need, attempting to manipulate God by accepting and retracting Moses’ plea. I was challenged by the realisation of my own desire to meet my own need, where we are restricted, over others. Disobeying (trying to disobeying, not only the guidelines, but) God as he calls us to ‘love our neighbour as ourselves’ during the coronavirus lockdown.
The Psalmist focused my attention on my need to rely on God. Psalm 55 whilst in the midst of his hearts anguish (v.4), he ‘calls to the Lord…evening, morning and noon’ (v.16-17), recognises all his help is in the ‘Maker of Heaven and Earth’ (Psalm 124 v.8). God is reminding us, to rely on His presence and mercy every moment of the day.
Which brought me to Hebrews, where I was encouraged to persevere, relying solely on God despite our circumstances. As God promises a ‘harvest of righteousness and peace’ when it is over.
Reflect and Pray for the strength to be obedient to our leaders and God. As He calls us to rely on him for everything, in everything. Pray for the strength to persevere, as he challenges us to change in this time of isolation, that we may see the fruit of His Mercy to become more like him every day.
Most merciful God,
Who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ
Delivered and saved the world:
Grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross
We may triumph in the power of his victory;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.