Sunday 21st June | Ryan Lee


Psalm 49

Deuteronomy 11:1-15

Acts 27:1-12


Everyone around us seems to be flourishing in their own business, gaining more and more followers on social media, earning bag loads of money. We as Christ’s disciples are called to live a life that is not defined by our worldly possessions, but one that is full of love, sincerity and faith to God.

Psalm 49 is a psalm written by the sons of Korah whose father fell to the greeds of this world. Versus 5-6 reminded me that we as Christians boast in the name of the lord as he is one that has ultimate control over everything. This is seen in Deuteronomy 11: 4 when God simply annihilated the Egyptian army in the Red Sea when they chased Israelites. We understand that sometimes it is hard to have faith in the lord when troubling times arise, but we must be reminded that at the end of the road we will be met with the promised land of flowing milk and honey (Deuteronomy 11:9) where Christ reigns.

The psalmist also reminds us that works alone is not enough to be saved, but by grace alone (v9). This verse came to me as an epiphany when I understood that it is not humble to believe in ourselves only, but to believe the power of God that has been put in you to do His will. And just like in v12, people that only believe in themselves will perish because they don’t have divine power whereas our God does.

You may be feeling discouraged today because you feel like you’ve got no control over your future, but be encouraged that our God will lead us onto a path that is the best for you. When I am in the valleys of my life, I really like to write out all of my worries and fears on paper in the form of a prayer. This act of worship reminds me that there is nothing in my heart that God doesn’t know about and that He is here to help you.



Thank you for always being with us and calming our hearts. We pray that we will learn to be more faithful just like you and that we would be always confident that you will help us win our battles. We pray for our brothers and sisters, who are being persecuted of their faith and loyalty in you lord, that you would deliver them from suffering and grant them freedom from their enemies. We pray that we will become more prayerful in our decisions so that we can carefully distinguish the will of our enemies from yours and choose to only follow yours. Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and eternal life from the point when we have accepted you in our lives.

In Jesus’ name,



Lord, you have taught us

That all our doings without love are nothing worth:

Send your Holy Spirit

And pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,

The true bond of peace and all virtues,

Without which whoever lives is counted dead before you. 

Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Monday 22nd June | Alice Wilkinson


Saturday 20th June | Katie Budd