Friday 22nd May | Brogan Hume


Psalm 20

Psalm 81

Numbers 20:1-13

Luke 7:11-17


Have you ever thought “if only I weren't a Christian”? A situation which would have been so much easier (certainly in the short term) if you could lie with impunity, perhaps. Or maybe an unhealthy pattern of life that just feels a lot easier than the narrow path of following Jesus.

Reading these verses from Numbers reminds us that there is a familiar pattern to being set free from slavery - be it our slavery to sin, or the Israelite’s slavery to the Egyptions. “We would have been better off as slaves in Egypt!” they declare (to paraphrase verse 5), demonstrating the need for a wilderness time in the life of the nation. The exodus frees them from slavery within Egypt, but it’s the wilderness that strips away the tyranny of the mindset of slavery. In the wilderness God sanctifies His people. Be it the physical wilderness of the desert, or the social wilderness of a lockdown.

How does this sanctification come? It flows from the presence of the Lord (v9), and is manifested through the presence of miraculous living water (v11). It is in this moment that the nation of Israel is reminded afresh that all of their needs are met by God who provides and cares for them.

The greatest need - emotionally and financially - in the life of the widow in Luke 7 is as impossible to attain as water from a rock. Her only son is dead, and Jesus walks into the town as his funeral is taking place. In this wilderness - her desolation of grief and pain - God provides once again. From the presence of Jesus all life flows, and he raises her son from the dead - for Jesus the anointed is the true victorious king (Psalm 20:6).

We’re all invited to experience this meeting of our greatest need - for the presence, love and forgiveness of God - as we meet Him today through the word.

May our cry ever be:

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses,

but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”


Heavenly Father, thank you that you provided water for our spiritual ancestors as they journeyed out of slavery. We praise you for your faithfulness - even when your people are not faithful in trusting you. Please forgive us for the times where we have scorned the freedom you have afforded us, thinking we’d be better off as slaves.

Jesus Christ, thank you that you are the true living water in the wilderness, and the one who bears our sins in your body that we might bear your resurrection life in ours. How we long for the refreshing of your presence! Pour out the Holy Spirit on us today, that we may walk in resurrected obedience to you.

Holy Spirit, thank you that you bind the people of God together in the perfect unity of worship. We pray for all our brothers and sisters around the world who call on the name of Jesus: may we emerge from this time in unity declaring that we trust, not in the things of this world, but in the name of Lord our God.



O God the King of glory,

You have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ

With great triumph to your kingdom in heaven:

We beseech you, leave us not comfortless,

But send your Holy Spirit to strengthen us

And exalt us to the place where our Saviour Christ is gone before,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Saturday 23rd May | Will Johnson


Thursday 21st May | Lee Kirkby