Monday 25th May | Christian Selveratnam


Psalm 83

Psalm 96

Psalm 97

Numbers 22:1-35

Luke 7:36-50


A free-church leader called Gerald Coates once said, "If God can speak through Balaam's ass he can speak through Margaret Thatcher." Margaret Thatcher, who was the Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990, wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But, I think that was Gerald’s point. God can cause a disliked Prime Minister to say helpful things, or even bring good out of something as impossible as the COVID-19 crisis. A talking donkey proves this!

Perhaps we are living in days when we should be thinking and praying impossible thoughts, maybe like the Old Testament Psalmists. They prayed things like “the Lord reigns” and “the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved” and “proclaim his salvation day after day … among the nations” (Psalm 96:2-3, 10). Perhaps you’ve been praying big prayers like this recently. Is God starting to answer them? Did you know, a major bookstore has reported that Bible sales are up 55%? And, since the lockdown, record numbers of people—who never go to church—have been attending services online. This isn’t revival (yet), but it is a sign of hope—because God loves people and he isn’t constrained by a lockdown.

The dramatic story of Jesus being anointed by a “sinful woman” in Luke 7 reminds us of how eager God is to welcome people home, often in unexpected situations. New people coming to online church, no problem; unexpected guests at small group on Zoom, yes Lord; a great socially-distanced conversation with a neighbour, go for it. No problem for our God who is unleashed. Keep praying… we might even meet a donkey that talks!


God unleashed, in these challenging times make our prayers bigger and our faith bolder. Open our eyes to see what you are doing and our hearts to get involved. Shine the hope of your wonderful good news into our lives, that we can be mirrors that reflect your love to a needy nation.



God our maker,

Whose Son Jesus Christ have to your servant Bede

Grace to drink in with joy the word

That leads us to know you and to love you:

In your goodness

Grant that we also may come at length to you,

The source of all wisdom,

And stand before your face;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and forever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 26th May | Richard Barber


Sunday 24th May | Luke Porter