Thursday 4th June | Maddie Morrison


Psalm 143

Psalm 146

Joshua 4:1-5:1

Luke 9:51-62


The passages we’re reading today, reflect a number of feelings I have felt and continue to feel, during lock down.  I have experienced fear, frustration; hoped God would remind me of all He’s done before, so I would be led to praise him again and trust Him with my future (Psalm 143/146).

But in all honesty, this pandemic hasn’t always led me to spend more time with God. I’ve found it increasingly difficult to bring myself to read my bible and pray. But what I recognising, is when I do take a moment to remember what He has done for me in the past (or even this week), I can see his faithfulness and love for me, despite (and often without) any sacrifice or effort, I have made.

These passages – from the Psalmist through to Joshua, and Jesus himself – call us to trust Him. Jesus does not ask us to trust instead of how we’re feeling, but in spite of how we’re feeling. Jesus recognises it is not without sacrifice we can follow him. In fact, he is quite blatant about it. But He is gracious and that sacrifice doesn’t even have to be as important as lots of time or money – it can be a moment. A moment of choosing to replace our self-pity, sadness or anger, for a moment of praise. When I take a moment to praise him, I am able to see how much God has given me without me fully trusting when I’ve asked him. Whether you have become as prayerful as a monk during lockdown, or are struggling to even look at your bible; remember this ‘the Lord reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations’. (Psalm 146:10).


Heavenly father,

Forgive me for being selfish and forgetting how you have always been there for me before. Forgive me for not remembering the little things you have blessed me with every day. Forgive me for not praising you, in spite of how I’m feeling.

Lord, send your Holy Spirit to be close to me, to bring me comfort and peace. Lord, allow me to be open to your word, the Holy Spirits prompting and give me the focus to meditate on how you have blessed me and others before.

Lord, make me a child who prays, who praises, who trusts and who is faithful always.  



Oh Lord, from whom all good things come:

Grant to us your humble servants,

That by your holy inspiration

We may think those things that are good,

And by your merciful guiding may perform the same;

Through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Who is alive and reigns with you.

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Friday 5th June | Rachel Kirkby


Wednesday 3rd June | Phil Harding