Saturday 6th June | Naomi Watson


Psalm 147

Joshua 6:1-20

Luke 10:17-24


Personally, God's power and the fact that he is the Creator has been on my heart and mind a lot recently. That sounds obvious, but having time to allow myself to really sit in the knowledge that God, the Creator, can do anything and still chooses to accept me has enabled the majesty of God to hit me in a new way. 

When reading today's passages, I also saw this theme.

The psalm speaks of God's abundant power literally in verse 5 but more subtly in verse 4 and verse 8. How awesome is it that the God who made and knows all the stars by name also made and knows each of us, even down to the number of hairs on our heads.

In Joshua we read of God's power through the falling of the walls of Jericho. A story you've probably heard lots of times in Sunday school if you grew up in the church, you were probably made to dress up and make homemade horns to march around pretending to be the priests. You probably had no idea what you were doing and looking back you probably looked a bit silly. Joshua was obedient to God even if he thought they looked strange or  didn't fully understand why God was asking that of him. After Joshua's obedience, God’s power was seen and his promise of the walls of Jericho falling was kept. 

Like myself, there are probably many aspects of your life where you need to be more obedient to God, not because of what we may gain but because of what He has given to us in love.

The passage in Luke shows God's power seen through the 72 and all the miracles they did in Jesus' name.

The 72 also had very specific instructions and were obedient. But Jesus reminds them that the power working in them is because of God’s love for them. Jesus reminds us that valuing ourselves according to our successes could make us miss what's really going on. Jesus shows them to glorify God in the miracle moments and so should we.


Heavenly Father,

May we spend time in awe of your glory and power, help us to put our focus always on you. When we forget or put our focus on other things, would you graciously  guide us back to you. Transform our hearts to be obedient to your word and to your will,  that we would see our nation transformed in your power. Holy Spirit fill us with your presence.



Oh Lord, from whom all good things come:

Grant to us your humble servants,

That by your holy inspiration

We may think those things that are good,

And by your merciful guiding may perform the same;

Through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Who is alive and reigns with you.

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Sunday 7th June | Ellie Doolan


Friday 5th June | Rachel Kirkby