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Spiritual Disciplines Weekly

Listen to the Day by Day podcast

Listen to the Day by Day song

Useful Resources


(We have copies of all these books on the staff team - drop Brogan a message if you'd like to locate a copy!)

Overview of the main disciplines

The Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster

You Are What You Love - James K.A. Smith

A-Z of Discipleship - Matthew Porter

The spiritual posture of a disciple

The Renovation of the Heart - Dallas Willard

The Imitation of Christ - Thomas â Kempis

The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard


Prayer - Tim Keller

A-Z of Prayer - Matthew Porter

Bible Reading

Unbreakable - What the Son of God says about the Word of God - Andrew Wilson

Eat This Book - Eugene Peterson

The Word that Redescribes the World - Walter Bruggeman


Practicing the Way - Bridgetown Church