Lean & Depend
Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and share your highs and lows of the week.
Misguided Fasting (v1-5)
How might our liturgical practices and outward observances sometimes mask a lack of true devotion?
In what ways can we ensure that our worship and religious duties are expressions of genuine faith and love for God?
True Fasting (v3-4)
In light of Isaiah 58:3-4. How can we discern if our fasting or other spiritual disciplines have become self-serving or hypocritical?
What steps can we take to align these practices with the spirit of humility and justice that God desires in Isaiah 58?
The Fruits of True Fasting (v6-7)
How can our understanding of true fasting be expanded to include active participation in social justice and compassion?
What specific actions can we take to better serve the marginalised and oppressed?
True Worship and Renewal (v8-12)
As we worship, fast and pray, what tangible signs of renewal should we look for in our lives and the lives of our church family?
What would renewal look like for the region?
Pray together for renewal in our own lives, the lives of our church family, and the region.