Freedom from Fear

Group Notes Overview

This sermon series includes an additional section in the group notes focused on practical application. You can work through it together during Life Group or take it home to complete during the week. To support your reflection on your personal journey of generosity, printable and online resources will be available each week.


Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and share your highs and lows of the week.


Song Suggestion: Living Hope


Read Matthew 6:19-34

Giving frees us from anxiety by anchoring us in God’s kingdom and provision.

  1. What does Jesus mean by storing up treasures in heaven versus treasures on earth? How can we do this practically?

  2. How have you experienced worry or anxiety about provision? How does this passage challenge or encourage you?

  3. Why do you think giving is connected to freedom from fear? How has this been true in your life? (Verses 24-34).

Ben said that some of the keys to generosity and being free from worry about money are knowing:

  • We are valuable to The Father - He treasures us, even more than the birds and flowers.

  • God knows our needs - before we even ask for them.

  • God will provide - He will never let us down.

Practical Application

Download resource here

In your finance, based on the teaching you have heard from the bible so far, what do you need to start doing that you have not done before (this might be giving regularly, it might be start believing God will provide for me etc). What do you need to work on? And what do you need to stop doing (i.e. you may have noticed that most of your money is being spent on eating out). You can use the resource above and points below to spend some time in reflection.

  • Reflect on what earthly treasures you’re investing in.

  • If you’re not giving yet, pray and take a first step of faith by starting to give, even a small amount.

  • Can someone in your life group share a testimony of how they started giving and how it impacted their trust in God?


  • Thank God for His faithful provision in your life

  • Ask for courage to trust Him by stepping out in generosity

  • Pray for the church to reflect God’s kingdom through radical generosity