Acts for the Apostles
Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and share your highs and lows of the week.
Song Suggestion: King of Kings
Read Leviticus 9 - take note of v7, 12, 22, and 24.
What similarities can you see between Leviticus 9 and the Easter Story (Good Friday, Ascension, and Pentecost)? (Luke 24:50 might be a helpful verse to look at!)
Leviticus 9 is about the institution of a priesthood in the Old Covenant. What does the fact that all believers received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost tell us about the New Covenant?
On Sunday, Brogan said that the Holy Spirit does three things within us:
Convicts us of Sin
Testifies to us that we're children of God
Empowers us for ministry
Can you share with your Life Group a moment where you've seen one of those aspects of the Holy Spirit within you?
Please join with the whole church body in praying for:
The Spirit of Evangelism. Peter stood up and told people about Christ (v14) and pleaded with them (v40). Let us pray that each and everyone one of us would be empowered to share our faith.
The Spirit of Power. The Spirit transformed them from a group unable to minister to those around them because of the language barrier, to a group empowered for ministry! Pray that we'd be empowered to declare the wonders of the gospel in a way that people can understand - through signs, healings, community, and prophetic words. Ask God to give us the words for each person!
For God's church in our region, nation, and world to be faithful, obedient, and joyful by the power of the Spirit. Pray particularly for the Kingdom of God to come in both righteousness and justice.
"Faithful God,
who fulfilled the promises of Easter
by sending us your Holy Spirit
and opening to every race and nation
the way of life eternal:
open our lips by your Spirit,
that every tongue may tell of your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord."