We’ve just started a new series on generosity, and this week we’re looking at the relationship between grace and generosity.


Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and sharing your highs and lows. Why not share a story of when you have received generosity and it has changed you?


For Zacchaeus, it was an encounter with Jesus that changed everything. Pray for one another that you may encounter Jesus together and so be changed, then spend time worshipping God as a group.


Received Generosity

How did Zacchaeus experience generosity in this passage?

In what ways have you personally experienced the generosity of God in your life?

What obstacles or challenges did Zacchaeus overcome to receive generosity, and how can we apply those lessons in our lives?

Reflected Generosity

Discuss Zacchaeus's response to Jesus' visit and how it reflected a generous heart.

How can our encounters with Jesus lead to a transformation in our attitude towards generosity?

Share examples of how you've seen someone's generosity reflect the love of Christ. How did it impact others?

Ripple Effect of Generosity

Explore the ripple effect Zacchaeus' generosity had on his community. Why is generosity contagious?

How can we intentionally create a ripple effect of generosity in our lives, city and church?

Personal Application

Reflect on Zacchaeus's story. In what areas of your life do you need to respond to God's generosity with a renewed commitment to living a generous life?

Consider the concept of stewardship. How can we be good stewards of the resources, talents, and time that God has given us?

Share specific ways you plan to practice generosity this week, keeping in mind the lessons learned from Zacchaeus.


Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His generosity and asking for the Holy Spirit’s help to reflect that generosity in your own life.

Pray for opportunities to be a source of generosity and blessing to others.

Lift up any specific needs within the group, community, or world that could benefit from God's generous provision.