Tuesday 16th February

Jesus is the True Good Samaritan

Jesus tells this story in response to the Religious Teacher's question "What must I do in order to inherit eternal life?"

Jesus is not telling us that we have to do something in order to inherit eternal life. Rather, he is saying that he is the true Good Samaritan who gave everything by stepping into our road so that we could be free.

“But when Jesus came into our dangerous world, he came down our road. And though we had been his enemies, he was moved with compassion by our plight. He came to us and saved us, not merely at the risk of his life, as in the case of the Samaritan, but at the cost of his life. On the cross, he paid a debt we could never have paid ourselves.” - Keller

Looking at the parable like this, how does it change the way we read these verses?

What does it mean for you and me?

What does it mean for us to be a good neighbour?

Dorothy Day, who was an American Christian and social activist once said: “I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”

In verses 36-37, Jesus tells the teacher to "go and do likewise". This is not in order to earn his salvation but in response to seeing that Jesus is the true Good neighbour.

How can we, who have received the love of Jesus, show this love to our neighbours around us?

Who are the 'neighbours' that God has called you to?


We looked at this passage on Eden Sunday. We are planting an Eden team into Byker. The whole church family at St Thomas' will be involved. Either by praying, loving the neighbours that God has called us to or by moving to Byker.

How can you as a Small Group pray for Eden?

What is God saying to you?

Pray together.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 23rd February


Tuesday 9th February