Tuesday 1st December
What Are We Waiting For?
Isaiah 64:1-9
In this passage, towards the end of Isaiah’s prophecies, the Israelites have been under continuous pressure from the growing Assyrian power for decades. Isaiah is waiting and longing for God to make His entrance and do ‘awesome things that we (do) not expect.’ Advent is a time of expectant waiting as well – both reflection on Jesus’ birth, life and death 2000 years ago, and also on what it means for us that He’s coming back.
On Sunday Brogan shared with us some thoughts about what we are waiting for, what Isaiah was waiting for and why we are waiting. The passage points to what was happening around Isaiah and God’s relationship with His people in his time. He longs for that relationship to be restored. It also tells us some important things about how that relationship will be renewed in Jesus 700 years later (!) and how waiting and expectation can be used by God.
Before you start the study, catch up with each other and how you’ve been.
Then read the passage together.
What stands out for you either from the passage or from Brogan’s talk?
In particular, how did you feel connected to what Isaiah was praying and waiting for?
We can divide the passage in 3 sections:
Verses 1-4
What similarities are there between what Isaiah longs and prays for in the passage and the life and teachings of Jesus … and what are the differences?
What does Isaiah’s description of God’s coming tell us about His nature and the relationship He calls us into?
Verses 5-7
What does it tell us about ourselves and the basis on which we can hope for a restored relationship?
Verses 8-9
What can we learn about how God uses waiting for our good? Be prepared to share your experiences.
In what other ways has studying this passage stimulated/challenged you?
Spend time praying together.