Tuesday 23rd June

Genesis 21:1-21

God is:

1. Faithful even in our disobedience (verses 1-7)

Abraham and Sarah did not wait for the promise God gave them in Genesis 18 of a child. Instead they tried to put into action their own plan with Abraham sleeping with Hagar. However, God was still faithful to his promise.

How is God faithful to his promise?

What does this reveal about God?

What does this mean for you and me?

How have you seen this in your life?

2. Faithful even in our dysfunction (verses 8-14)

God is faithful in these verses despite the relational dysfunction.

How is God faithful?

What does this say about God?

What does this mean for you and me today?

How have you seen this in your life?

3. Faithful even in our despair (verses 15-21)

God is faithful when Hagar and Ishmael are in despair.

How is God faithful?

What does this reveal about God?

What does this mean for you and me today?

How have you seen this in your life?

Where do you see Jesus in this passage?

Pray together.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 30th June


Tuesday 9th June