Tuesday 2nd February
Sharing news with the city
Jonah’s story continues. The story is told in incredibly few words but has so much to teach us. Jonah has run away from God, found himself in dire straits, been formed for the task God has given him, rescued, and called a second time to share God’s message with the city of Nineveh. Nineveh was a huge city for its time, as we learn. It was also a culture that, as far as Jonah knew, had no regard for God - a completely different set of values to the Israelites.
Before exploring at the story together spend some time catching up with each other, then read the passage.
Start off by sharing what strikes you about the passage and your first impressions.
What’s the message that God now has for Jonah and how does Jonah respond?
What can this teach us about God’s nature as a God who forgives (v1-2)?
(Trick question: what did Jonah need to do for God to restore him?)
What’s the effect on Jonah of being restored to God’s purpose and plan for him (v3-4)?
(Not a trick question: what motivates Jonah to now ‘obey’? - see Chapter 2:9)
What’s the message that God has for the people of Nineveh (and their king)?
What can this teach us about God’s justice, and why might it be important that God is just (v4)?
How do the Ninevites respond?
What happens when Jonah simply passes on the message God has given him (v5-9)?
Following this really amazing response, what does God now do (v10)?
What do you think is the relationship between God’s justice and His compassion?
What do you think explains their really surprising response?
What does this mean for us in Newcastle?
We’ve been called to share the news of a just and loving God who does everything necessary for us to be restored, to a city where many people have little knowledge or experience of God.
As you read this passage, how does it make you feel about sharing the news of Jesus, and why? Be honest!
What, if anything, might you do differently over the next few weeks or months? How will you be encouraged or sustained in this? And how can you support each other?
Spend some time praying together.