


Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and share your highs and lows of the week.


Song Suggestion: King of Kings


Read Ephesians 3:14-21.

"The greatest need of today is spiritual renewal. Both individual Christians and whole churches need to be continuously filled with the Spirit.

We live in a precarious world, tottering on the edge of an appalling precipice of disaster. Quite apart from the ever-increasing threat of terrorism, massive starvation and intensified violence, relationships at every level are falling apart. Only the Spirit of God can change the heart of people and create a revolution of love in our society.

The crisis of the church today is not primarily doctrinal or moral — serious as these are. Above all we face a crisis of powerlessness. Nothing less than the power of God can save the church from spiritual death and the world from total destruction. We need, more than anything else, spiritual renewal."
- David Watson

David Watson wrote this over 40 years ago. How much of this still rings true today? If it is true, what do we need to do about this?


  1. P - Prayer

    What does the passage teach us about the importance of prayer in terms of knowing the power of God?

    How is your prayer life at the moment? (Remember, ‘consistency beats intensity every single time.’)

  2. O - Overflowing love

    How does being rooted and established in love affect your view of God’s power?

  3. W - Wonder at God’s power

    Share a time where you were in awe at the love and power of God.

    What does it mean to know a love that surpasses all understanding?

  4. E -Experience God’s power

    Paul talks about the power of God in a way that is very real.

    In what ways does he talk about the ways that we experience God’s power?

    In what ways do you experience the power of God?

  5. R - Response of worship

    Paul ends this passage by giving glory to God.

    How can you give glory to God this week?


Spend some time praying through the passage and asking Jesus to teach you to pray.

Pray that you may know the love and power of God this week and for opportunities to share his love with others.