You Are What You Love
Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and share your highs and lows of the week.
In verse 16, Paul lists several uses of scripture. How should scripture be used personally and corporately to achieve the purposes mentioned in this verse?
Are there specific passages or moments when God’s Word has felt especially alive to you?
2 Timothy 4 is believed to be Paul’s final instructions to Timothy, whom he has mentored for many years. Paul’s final charge to Timothy appears in verse 2, where he is instructed to ‘preach the word’ at all times.
Why do you think Paul chose these as his final charge?
What was the significance of this command to Timothy?
What should its significance be for each of us today?
Verse 4 tells us that people will seek out teachers who play to their preferences - we see this played out in culture, one example being the growing prevalence of echo chambers, particularly online.
Where are you susceptible to surrounding yourself solely with opinions which match your own? And where, in the process, are you shutting out the corrective voice of God?
Lee exhorted us to ‘go full throttle with the gospel’ and to place the gospel at the centre of our church once again, where culture has long been the loudest voice from our pulpits. If each of us are part of the body of the church, what can we do (think both of our personal spiritual rhythms and our witness for Jesus) to play our part in putting the gospel of Jesus front and centre?
Pray together about what you have discussed.