The spiritual disciplines are ways in which we live freely and joyfully under apprenticeship to Jesus, by which we can encounter who he is, become more like him, and see his power at work in our lives. In this series we explore what these disciplines look like in everyday life.
Overview of the main disciplines
The Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
You Are What You Love - James K.A. Smith
A-Z of Discipleship - Matthew Porter
The spiritual posture of a disciple
The Renovation of the Heart - Dallas Willard
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas â Kempis
The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard
Prayer - Tim Keller
A-Z of Prayer - Matthew Porter
Bible Reading
Unbreakable - What the Son of God says about the Word of God - Andrew Wilson
Eat This Book - Eugene Peterson
The Word that Redescribes the World - Walter Bruggeman
What Is A Spiritual Discipline?
2 Corinthians 3:18
Giving [Pt. 1]
Mark 12:41-44
Matthew 6:5-13
Giving [Pt. 2]
Luke 12:13-21
Bible Reading
Luke 24:13-35
Mark 11:1-11