Journey to Redemption



Make sure to spend some time catching up with one another and share your highs and lows of the week.


Song Suggestion: Awake


Read Jeremiah 31:31-35.

1. Committed Covenant (verse 31-32)

“Covenant signifies a binding partnership forged through shared promises and a common goal.”

  • In our covenant relationship with God, what are the promises that God has made to us? And what promises and commitments have we made to Him?

  • Does your relationship with God feel like covenant? Or more like a contract?

Marriage is one example of a covenant. The Book of Common Prayer defines marriage as being “ordained for the mutual society, help and comfort.”

  • If our relationship with God is a covenant, how should it affect other people?

2. Carved Character (verse 33)

Verse 33 speaks of how the law of God is no longer to be written on stone tablets, but written on our hearts.

  • How does this affect our relationship with God’s law?

Lee spoke about the Hebridean revival. The revivalists had scripture ingrained in their minds as children, so that years later, those scriptural truths spilled out of their hearts.

  • How does this change how we seek and pray for revival?

3. Continuous Connection (verse 34)

The new covenant that Jeremiah prophesied was enacted through Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and ascension. Knowing God intimately is not only for a select few, but for each and every one of us.

  • How can you live in the reality that you are in relationship with God at every moment of every day?


Pray that you would know how much God wants to be in continuous relationship with you, and that you would be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that you can keep the promises that you have made to God in your covenant with Him.