Sunday 18th October


You’ll need chocolate buttons and silver foil!

Give each child a handful of chocolate buttons and some silver foil.

Ask them to tear up the foil and to use it to cover the chocolate buttons – turning them into chocolate coins. If you want to get creative they could use cocktail sticks to emboss a coin-like design on the silver foil.

Challenge them to give each of their “coins” away to someone else during the coming week.

Discuss the following question:

If you could make any law to be followed in this country, what would it be? Why?

Answers may start off funny (“make school only one day a week”), but be prepared for them to turn more serious – and encourage this if it happens. 

Also, encourage discussion as to why suggestions might be good or bad ideas and what the consequences might be for everyone who lives in this country.

You can get your children to be creative and write up their laws and decorate it or even create what their country with their laws would look like.

Quiz to do together

How many elephants did Abraham bring on the Ark? – none, Abraham wasn’t at the ark

What was Paul’s name before God spoke to him? – Saul

What kind of large cat was in the pit with David after he refused to pray to the king? – David was never thrown into a pit

Who gave Joseph the beautiful multi colored coat? – his father

What happened to the holy of holies when Jesus died? – the curtain ripped

How many emeralds did Judas receive as payment for betraying Jesus? – none, Judas was given silver

Name 4 of Jesus’ disciples. – Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon, Judas, & Judas Iscariot (Luke was not a disciple)

What did David stand on to make himself just as tall as Goliath? – David didn’t stand on anything

What did God use to create Eve? – a rib bone from Adam

How many books of the Bible have John in their title? – 4 (John, John I, John II, John III)

What book of the Bible never mentions God? – Esther

How long was Job in the belly of the whale? – Job was never in the whale

What does the word ‘manah’ mean? – what is it?

What Abraham’s wife turn into when fleeing the city of Sodom? – nothing happened to Abraham’s wife

What was the goal of the tower of Babel? – to reach heaven

Who says ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’ in the Bible? – it’s not in the Bible

What proof did Thomas need to see to believe Jesus had risen from the dead? – holes in hands & feet, gash in side

How many plagues hit Bethlehem when the pharaoh refused to let the Hebrews go? – none, the plagues were in Egypt

What was the name of the brother of Mary and Martha? – Lazarus

Why did Satan tell Jesus to turn the clouds into bread? – he didn’t

When did God create Adam & Eve? – sixth day


Ask your child/children to pray, and encourage them to ask God to remind them that Jesus knows the answer, even when the questions are difficult.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Sunday 25th October


Sunday 4th October