Sunday 23rd August

Matthew 16:13-20


Who am I? write down on a post it note the name of a celebrity/tv character, bible character or member of your family. The person who is guessing has the post it note placed on their forehead. They then have 20 questions to try and figure out who they are. Everyone one else can only answer with yes or no, do as many rounds as your like and make sure everyone gets a go!

Family activity

In this passage the disciples tell Jesus who the people say he is. Get a piece of paper, as big or small as you like and draw and outline of Jesus or print off the one below, as seen in the video, then write down with lots of different colours in the middle different words that you know are used to describe Jesus in the Bible. Try do this at first without looking in the Bible but if you run out of names have a look! Once you have done this pick a few names each and discuss what they mean to you and how they help you understand who Jesus is.


  • Why does Jesus ask his disciples “who do you say I am?”

  • Do we sometimes forget how important Jesus is and how can we continue to remember and praise him every day?

People have seen Jesus do these incredible miracles like feeding the 5000 and walking on water yet they still do not see Jesus for who he is, they believe him to be a prophet but not the Son of God. However, Peter, because of his faith it was revealed to him that Jesus is the Messiah, Peter saw Jesus for who he was and did not doubt him.


Dear God,
Thank you for revealing yourself through Jesus
We know that HE is our saviour and Messiah
Help us to remember that
And proclaim it to others
Thank you for your love
We love you, God!
In Jesus name, Amen!

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Sunday 30th August


Sunday 16th August