Wednesday 10th June | Brogan Hume


Psalm 119:1-32

Joshua 8:1-29

Luke 11:1-13


Have you ever worked for someone, or been in a relationship with someone, where you just don't know or understand what is expected of you? You start to doubt every action - questioning if it's the right thing to do. With no clear expectations and no articulated responsibilities, any working, platonic, or romantic relationship will become emotionally draining - or at the very least, fail to flourish.

When the Psalmist writes that the statues of the Lord are 'righteous' (v7), the 'path of purity' (v9), and  'great riches' (v14), he is expressing this wonderful truth: that God has clearly laid down a law for His people to live by. He has articulated the way of life in order to flourish in a relationship with Him - setting clear boundaries, making promises to His people, and teaching them how to live in pursuit of love, mercy, and truth. This Law is a good gift from God - no wonder the Psalmist prays "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law". It is this same law that teaches them the obedience they need to conquer Ai - through a process of repentance in Joshua 7, leading to victory in Ch. 8.

If the Israelites could have followed this law perfectly, it would have led to the fullness of life. Yet they could not - and we cannot. There was one man, however, who has perfectly lived out the law and indeed fulfilled it - Jesus. The relationship is therefore transformed between God and all those who trust in Jesus. In this new relationship - this new covenant - a new law is given, a leading of the Spirit through the Word by which we're granted freedom and invited to know God as our Father (Luke 11:2, 11).

The Law was good, yet weakened by our weakness. Through Jesus, however, we've given an imperishable relationship with God - where our weakness serves to more wonderfully display his power (2 Corinthians 12:9).


Luke 11:2-4

Our Father in Heaven

Thank you, Almighty God  - enthroned in heaven, that I may know you as my Father through Jesus Christ. 

your kingdom come

I pray today for your kingdom of justice, peace, mercy, and righteousness to come in my life and in your world. We lift up the oppression and abuse of your people and pray for our brothers and sisters that they may know your strength. 

Give us today our daily bread

We pray for your provision in our lives - trusting you to provide the money for our food shop, rent, fuel for our car, and bills. We pray for all those who do not have enough to cover these expenses. Please Lord, provide for them - through miracles and through your people. 

Forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who sins against us

Thank you Father for the Law, which shows us the error of our ways. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness for all who trust in Jesus. Please, forgive us for our sins today.

I choose now to forgive those who have hurt me. I pray blessing over them - may they come to know repentance before you, and your mercy and forgiveness which follows. 

And lead us not into temptation

Lord, please protect me from wilful sins today. Guard my heart, ears, eyes, and mind, that I may be obedient to you.



Almighty and everlasting God,

You have given us your servants grace, 

By the confession of a true faith,

To acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity

And in the power of the divine majesty to worship the Unity:

Keep us steadfast in this faith,

That we may evermore be defended from all adversities;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Thursday 11th June | Mark Rance


Tuesday 9th June | Mim Johnson