Thursday 11th June | Mark Rance
How often does God grant us so much and build us up only for us to head in the wrong direction again?
In Psalm 147 we are reminded how God heals the broken hearted (v3), supplies the basic needs of the birds and animals, and gives laws and decrees to keep us on the right paths. He gives us commands so that we may inherit the best (Deut 8:1), and reminds us not to be complacent or forgetful about all that he gives us (Deut 8:14). But we can too easily take for granted what the Lord has given us and fall from a place of standing firm (1 Cor 10:12). What is God giving us in these strange times? We see the world recovering from our misuse, we see a new depth in relationship and care between people, we find the Church reaching out in new ways, and we find ourselves humbled by the effects of a devastating pandemic. As we begin to be unlocked, let’s not lose sight of what God has taught us through this time. Let us thank him for bringing us through the ‘vast and dreadful desert’ (Deut 8:15) and remember always to give him his worth.
Thank you Father for all you give to us: for the person of Jesus Christ: for our day to day needs being met and for your laws to keep us on the right path. Help us to recognise your special provision for us during the pandemic, both personally and globally. As we seek out the ‘new normal’ in the world help us not to lose sight of what you have given us at this time and help us to maintain the good which has come from this.
In Jesus’ name.
Lord Jesus Christ,
We thank you that in this wonderful sacrament
You have given us the memorial of your passion:
Grant us so to reverence the sacred mysteries of your body and blood
That we may know within ourselves
And show forth in our lives
The fruits of your redemption;
For you are alive and reign with the Father
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.