Tuesday 14th July | Naomi Watson


Psalm 106

1 Samuel 1:21-2:11

Luke 19:41-end


The passages Psalm 106 and Luke 19 remind me that even when God is faithful and gracious, we as humans easily forget this.

The Psalmist reminds us that even those who saw great miracles when leaving Egypt still forgot God's kindness and turned to other gods, trying to figure things out on their own. The Psalmist doesn't hold back in his description of God's anger and disappointment.

In the Luke verses, we read of people again forgetting what God has commanded and using the temple for their own gain by making it into a marketplace. Again we read of God's anger and disappointment, as we see Jesus drive out those who are selling, trading and gambling in the temple courts.

The Bible is full of times people have disappointed God, and we continue to do so today. Which is why it’s important to repent and turn back to Him. We need to remember that God’s anger isn’t the end of the story, that our sins are forgiven through Christ on the cross.

What's important to remember as we read these passages is that even though we disappoint God, He continuously shows us His mercy. In the Psalm, He didn't send the plagues on His people and in Luke, Jesus died on the cross for the same people who had enraged Him in the temple courts. He is just, and ever so merciful.


Spend some time with the Lord, repenting of times you have turned away from God.

God, sorry for the times we have tried to figure things out on our own and turned to other things to satisfy us. Thank you that you are just and forgiving and we can turn back to you, a loving Father.



Father of the eternal Word,

In whose encompassing love all things in peace and order move:

Grant that, as your servant John Keble adored you in all creation,

So we may have a humble heart of love for the mysteries of your Church

And know your love to be new every morning,

In Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Wednesday 15th July | Brogan Hume


Monday 13th July | Ben Gurney