Monday 13th July | Ben Gurney


Psalm 98

Psalm 99

Psalm 101

1 Samuel 1:1-20

Luke 19:28-40


We are consistently reminded throughout scripture of the necessity to praise God and recognise all He has done for us and the message in Psalm 98 and 99 is no different. We are reminded of what God has done and will do especially when it comes to righteous salvation. Verse two tells us that God has made his salvation and righteousness known to all people, which in this sense is showing that God is His own best evangelist. His faithfulness and love for Israel have been on display for all to see, further displaying even more of his character to the ends of the earth. The natural response and reflex should be that we praise and worship God for who He is and what He has done. However even within the body of God’s people we find countless different ways to distance ourselves from people who worship differently regardless of how that may look.

We need to return to a place of reverent awe and fear of the Lord to truly appreciate how magnificent and glorious He is. Just how He has shown us who He is in our own lives and throughout history is incredible in itself. When we remind ourselves of who God is and let the Holy Spirit move in our hearts we should feel compelled to worship our creator regardless of how the person next to you is worshipping.

The passage in 1 Samuel shows us also the importance of bold prayer and how God delights in hearing your heart’s desires and when you pour out your soul in your heart or verbally. He loves to bless us with what we ask for so have the boldness and courage to pray these prayers and pour out your soul to God to show him your desires. He will either grant our desires or transform them to align with His will and His plan for your life.



Would you send your spirit to awaken us to see you in your fullness and glory and let this stir us into a hunger to get on our knees in worship and prayer.

Help us to appreciate how insignificant our differences are so that all of your children are unified in worship of you and your true nature.

In Jesus’ name,



Almighty and everlasting God,

By whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified:

Hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people,

That in their vocation and ministry

They may serve you in holiness and truth

To the glory of your name;

Through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 14th July | Naomi Watson


Sunday 12th July | Gary Taylor