Sunday 12th July | Gary Taylor
Like the Jewish people who gathered at Paul’s lodgings, we all know someone who isn’t persuaded by Jesus. We sometimes let this dishearten us or frustrate us and we know that ‘eternal life’ is not something that they may experience. But when we’re questioned by this person, how often do we turn to Scripture to backup our claims on the Risen Christ? Paul uses his knowledge of the Scriptures to share with the Jewish leaders that Jesus was the Messiah that Israel was awaiting. I can just imagine Paul turning to Psalm 65 and declaring ‘He is our Saviour’.
Can I encourage you? The tongue has the power of life or death (Psalm 64). As Christians we are called to bring light to our communities and there is a really simple way that we can start without being overtly evangelical about church or our faith. We can simply turn to the Scriptures and read about what God has done for us and just reflect Jesus in our daily living. Paul says: in every circumstance give thanks (1 Thess 5:18) We know that God inspires shouts of joy when we are in church, but he also demonstrates his love, his power and his presence in creation. When we see, reflect and take action on this power, through obeying His Word, our lives grow and the people around us also grow even if they don’t yet believe.
Dear Lord,
We pray today that you may show us the power of conversation with others. Allow our words to reflect your heart, inspire shouts of joy in others, that they may know your love and blessing. May you speak through me that someone’s eyes will be opened and their ears to hear the power of your love.
Almighty and everlasting God,
By whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified:
Hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people,
That in their vocation and ministry
They may serve you in holiness and truth
To the glory of your name;
Through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.