Monday 15th June | Becca Huttly
Psalm 27 calls us to stand confident in the love of God, to always seek the Lord and to not fear. God, our salvation and our delight asks these things of us so that we can give our lives to him and place our worldly struggles at the entrance to his dwelling and enter in unburdened. This psalm is peppered with the phrase “I will.” There is no doubt from David that God is with him and this assurance helps him draw nearer to God not allowing fear to occupy his heart. The song ‘Confident in love’ has the line “though armies besiege me your hand will not fail, of whom shall I be afraid?” Today we are surrounded by a culture engulfed with fear and hatred, this image of David, faced by armies, undeterred because he has trust in God’s power is an encouragement to us all to step out in faith knowing that God’s hand will not fail.
When do we praise God? Is it all the time, when our lives feel rosy or when nothing seems to be going right? David uses Psalm 30 to “exalt you Lord.”(1) David goes far beyond thanking God for what he has done, he gives all the glory to God and worships the awe-inspiring God who is with him in his highs and lows. The phrase “hallowed be your name” from the Lord’s prayer comes to mind, this simple short phrase holds so much power in showing our love for God and shows the importance of continually exalting him in our everyday lives.
Joshua has an unashamed confidence in the Lord as he declares how the Lord has kept his promises, “I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle as I was then.” (Joshua 14:11) At the age of eighty-five Joshua is still seeing the fruits of the promises God made to him forty-five years ago and in doing this he not only gives glory to God but teaches those around him of the goodness and faithfulness of God. I would encourage you to take some time this week to reflect on how God may be fulfilling his promises to you and to give him thanks for that and, like Joshua, to share those encouragements with others.
Finally, in our short passage in Luke, we are reminded that God knows our hearts, that “there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known.” (Luke 12:2) Placing our confidence in God means recognising that God knows everything good and bad thought or action and still chooses to love and trust us and so we can stand confident in the love we have from God, knowing that we are loved in-spite of what we try and conceal not despite.
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name. I pray that this week I can glorify your name through my words and actions.
When I find it hard to praise you ‘Lord, be my help’. Thank you that you know my inmost thoughts and feelings, yet you choose to love me.
Father help me to, like Joshua, unashamedly celebrate the fulfillments of your promises and make me excited for the works you are still going to do in me.
O God,
The strength of all those who put their trust in you,
Mercifully accept our prayers and, because through the weakness of our mortal nature
We can do no good thing without you,
Grant us the help of your grace,
That in the keeping of your commandments
We may please you both in will and deed;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.