Tuesday 16th June | Ben Gurney


Psalm 32

Psalm 36

Joshua 21:43-22:8

Luke 12:13-21


Love God. Obey God. Serve God. This is the key message in our passage in Joshua. After the Reubenites, Gadites and some from the tribe of Manasseh return from the mission they were given, Joshua reminds them of the commandment and law Moses gave them from God. At the end of the previous chapter is the summary of the completion of God’s promise to the Israelites; He has delivered the Israelites into the promised land and has given them rest from fighting their enemies. “Not one of the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” - v.45. Directly after this we are reminded of the necessity to love, obey and serve God but how do we do this?

Luke 12 is an easy passage to read and to understand but incredibly difficult to put into practice. We are told that the animals on the earth and birds of the sky don’t seem to worry about what to save or what to invest so why should this be something we worry about. Worrying in its very nature is doubting God and failing to put your faith fully in Him. Worry is an entirely natural response of the flesh and has the ability to drive us to act out of fear. Our Father completely bats this away and invites us to come and seek Him first before anything else. Once you put your faith in Him, He welcomes you to listen to His instruction and to follow the path that has been carefully chosen and picked out for you. First enter into a loving relationship with the Father. Then obey Him and follow the path that has been chosen for you. In doing so you will be brought to a place where you can serve the king and His kingdom.



We thank you for the son you gave us who took all of our past and future failures onto him and paid the price in place of us.

We thank you that through this sacrifice we can experience your perfect love and that due to the Holy Spirit inside of us we feel the urge to reflect this love back to you and to your other children.

Please would you help us to be faithful and delight when we are obedient to you. Change our hearts to that serving you and the kingdom of God is all we strive for.

In Jesus’ name,



Most merciful redeemer,

Who gave to your bishop Richard a love of learning,

A zeal for souls and a devotion to the poor:

Grant that, encouraged by his example,

We may know you more clearly, love you more dearly, 

And follow you more nearly,

Day by day,

Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit are alive and reign,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Wednesday 17th June | Joel Barwick


Monday 15th June | Becca Huttly