Wednesday 17th June | Joel Barwick


Psalm 34

Joshua 22:9-end

Luke 12:22-31


In Luke 12 we find some advice that we could all use - ‘Don’t worry about it’. A lot easier said than done! It’s simple but actually very profound. How often do we find ourselves overcome with worry, stressed about what’s happening at work and anxious about the situations we face? For some reason our minds choose to worry about the silliest of things. For example everytime I go in the sea I worry because I’m scared of some terrifying sea creature biting my leg off, but I get in my car every day without a shred of anxiety about crashing. But this is completely irrational because the chances of me getting hurt in a car crash are exponentially larger than my chances of getting my leg bitten off by a shark. Especially in Tynemouth. But even with this knowledge, I still worry about sharks!

Now I’m not saying that all of your worries are irrational and ridiculous, but if you read Luke 12:22-31 it may give you a fresh perspective on the worry that you have. Reading this passage always fills me with peace. God provides when we seek his Kingdom first! And from Psalm 34 we learn that the Lord delivers the righteous from ALL of their troubles. From a worldly perspective we have a lot to worry about during this time, but we must hold to the truth that as a people who have been made righteous in Christ we will be delivered from it all.


Holy Spirit, I pray that you will remove all irrational worry from our minds. May you help us to trust more in the knowledge of God than in the emotions we face every day. May we not waste time worrying about tomorrow but instead focus our attention on seeing your Kingdom come in our lives and the world around us.



O God,

The strength of all those who put their trust in you,

Mercifully accept our prayers and, because through the weakness of our mortal nature

We can do no good thing without you,

Grant us the help of your grace,

That in the keeping of your commandments

We may please you both in will and deed;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Thursday 18th June | Chloe Ingle


Tuesday 16th June | Ben Gurney