Friday 17th July | Alice Wilkinson
When reading these passages, the thing I was stuck by, verse after verse, is how well God knows us. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, really, considering He created us. But I am still blown away by it.
In 1 Samuel 3, God speaks to Eli through Samuel about his fate - that God will carry out everything that he spoke; that He will judge Eli’s family for the sin which he (Eli) knew about. God knew every sin and all the brokenness which lay hidden in Eli’s life. He knew that Eli would respond well to the challenge from Samuel, and that he would continue to declare the goodness of God.
In Luke 20, God knows the motivation of the Pharisees question. He sees that they are trying to deceive him into either speaking against God, or against the King. Using this insight, he is able to answer with wisdom; His deep knowledge of their hearts makes him considerate, rather than reactive.
Another thing I was reminded of when reading these passages is that every word God speaks is true. Every yes, every promise, every no - they’re all already true. The fact that God knows us so intimately could be scary, or overwhelming. But his Word tells us that he knows us fully, and yet still chooses us. He loves us through the cross, and into resurrection life. And that will always be true.
These prayers are taken from Psalm 139.
Lord thank you that you know us so fully, and that you choose us in love. Thank you for your faithfulness, for your truth, and for your justice. Thank you that in Christ, we are clothes with Jesus’ righteousness, and that because of this, we can allow you to expose our hearts and strengthen and shape our character.
Lord thank you that you are in control, and that you are so committed in love to always be with us that you won’t even let death separate us.
Help us to remember that our own wisdom is limited, and to trust that our only hope is to rely on you. Thank you that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Almighty and everlasting God,
By whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified:
Hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people,
That in their vocation and ministry
They may serve you in holiness and truth
To the glory of your name;
Through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.