Friday 19th June | Libby Tipples


Psalm 31

Joshua 24:1-28

Luke 12:41-48


In today’s passage from Joshua, God speaks to his people through Joshua to remind them of everything he has faithfully done for them so far. The list is long and miraculous.

In Psalm 31, when he feels ‘terror on every side’, David too reminds himself of the times that God heard his cry (v22) and showed him the wonders of his love (v21).

This is also a huge part of my testimony. When I first became a Christian, I looked back on my life and saw, in a vision similar to the one brought to the tribes of Israel here, how God had been faithful to me throughout my whole life. I could see that he had always been with me, faithfully fighting for me in every moment.

I knew then, like the Israelites realise here, that God was the only person whose faithfulness I could truly be confident in. His track record of faithfulness throughout history is completely perfect, unlike other things we may put our faith in; money, our career, other people or even ourselves, which will all inevitably let us down. Joshua encourages us to throw away these foreign gods, and yield our hearts to the Lord, serving him with all faithfulness (vv. 14 & 23).

God may sometimes seem absent, like the master from the parable given in Luke. However, if our confidence reflects how faithful God is, fear and doubt disappear. We can have a faith characterised by complete confidence in Him, knowing that he never has and never will let his people down.


I love to worship with the song ‘Yes and Amen’ by Housefires. It is a song all about God’s faithfulness. Why not listen to it and pray through the lyrics today?

Father God,

I thank you that you are, always have been, and always will be faithful.

As we look back on our lives, would you help us to see where you have been faithfully loving us, fighting for us and blessing us.

I’m sorry for when I put other things above you in my life.

I pray that I would put my faith confidently and completely in you God, knowing that you are the only one who is truly faithful.



O God,

The strength of all those who put their trust in you,

Mercifully accept our prayers and, because through the weakness of our mortal nature

We can do no good thing without you,

Grant us the help of your grace,

That in the keeping of your commandments

We may please you both in will and deed;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Saturday 20th June | Katie Budd


Thursday 18th June | Chloe Ingle