Friday 1st May | Libby Tipples
These passages all speak of how deeply God knows and loves each and every one of us.
If you ever struggle to believe this, look at Psalm 139, which tells us that God even created our inmost being. All of our days then were already ordained and written in his book; He knows our past, our present and our future. He knows every detail of our hearts, the good and the bad, the heavens and the depths that we will go to in our lives. Yet, nothing that we will ever do, say or think could make him love us any less or become further away from us.
Once we know the truth of his unending love and faithfulness in our hearts, we still have a decision to make about what path we will choose for our lives. We can choose to invite him into our hearts, to search us and lead us in his way. Proverbs 4 and James 1 both tell us that if we choose to seek His wisdom, and hold closely to His instruction, God will give generously, and we will not stumble, even when we face trials. Psalm 146 confirms that, throughout good and bad times, his care for his people is unending. He is faithful forever; He upholds his people and sustains them in times of need or oppression.
We can be assured that, while our decisions do not coerce God into loving us or giving us favour, seeking His wisdom and choosing to trust in His Word will lead us along a path that is ‘righteous like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.’
Father God, I thank you that you created my inmost being with more love and care than I can imagine. You know every depth and detail of my heart.
I thank you that you already know the mistakes I am going to make in my life, yet you will never draw further away from me or love me any less.
Today, I invite you again to search me. I welcome your instruction and wisdom into my heart. Lead me in your beautiful way, I pray.
Almighty Father,
whom truly to know is eternal life:
teach us to know your Son Jesus Christ
as the way, the truth, and the life;
that we may follow the steps
of your holy apostles Philip and James,
and walk steadfastly in the way that leads to your glory;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.