Monday 23rd March | Ben Doolan


Psalm 70
Psalm 77
Exodus 2:11-22
Hebrews 9:1-14


In the current global COVID-19 crisis, I think a lot of us will feel like the Psalmist in Psalm 77. We cry aloud to God (verses 1-2) and like the Psalmist we want to think back to the good old days that seem to have long since gone (verse 5) to when life was simple and the Coronavirus was not an every day part of our lives.

The Psalmist begins to ask questions of God like "will he cast us off forever? (verse 7), has his love gone? (verse 8) and is he no longer gracious? (verse 9).

Psalm 77 takes a dramatic turn in verse 11 when the author begins to remember all the wonderful things God has done in the past and recalls God's character and his faithfulness in saving his people (verse 15).

In these difficult days, we too need to be like the Psalmist and remember who God is, his wonderful deeds and his unchanging character. In other words, despite the darkness we find ourselves in, we need to be a people who practice thanksgiving! Thanksgiving lifts our eyes to God and we remember that he came to be with us in Jesus.

We all like to think that we our masters of our own destiny, we kid ourselves into thinking we are in control of our world.

In our reading from Exodus 2 we see that Moses took matters into his own hands with appaling consequences. He wanted to be in control of the awful situation he found his people in.

The truth is, we have never been in control. The events of the last few weeks have brought that into focus. Today, we are reminded that God is in control and that he is King. But as we are told in Hebrews 9 verse 14, this King spilt his blood for us!

As Tim Keller says "Jesus is not just a King, he's a King on a cross. If he were only a King on a throne you'd submit to him just because you have to. But he's a King who went to a cross for you. This means you can submit to him out of love and trust".

Let's submit to him once again, as we lift out eyes to him in thanksgiving.


Spend some time today in prayer being honest with God about how you feel about the current situation. Take a leaf out the Psalmists book, maybe even write down your frustrations and questions.

Like the Psalmist, why not spend some time giving thanks for all that God has done in the past? Why not write a list of the things you are thankful for, for all the good things God has given you?

Loving Father, we are sorry that we evrper thought that we were in control. We remember today that you are King, and that we are not. We thank you that you are not just a King, but a King who went to the cross for me. Help me to submit to you as Lord and saviour.



Merciful Lord,

Absolve your people from their offenses, 

That through your bountiful goodness

We may all be delivered from the chains of those sins

Which by our frailty we have committed;

Grant this, heavenly Father,

For Jesus Christ’s sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and forever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 24th March | Lee Kirkby