Monday 20th April | Gary Taylor
Today’s passages show three themes relevant today.
We are covered by Love – Exodus 15 is a song of deliverance praising God for his unfailing love and protection over Israel (Ex 15:13). David in Psalm 19 speaks of how the laws and instructions of God are to protect us and to strengthen us. Similarly, Paul’s letter speaks of the people receiving love through the Holy Spirit. We are covered by God’s love when we trust in Him.
We are called into Light - The Israelites had been scared by being surrounded by the enemy, God called them from darkness (slavery) to light (freedom). When we take refuge in God (Ps 2:12) there is a joy that brings light to our hearts. We cannot hide the light that is within us (Ps 19:13-14).
We are co-workers with Christ - When we believe in the unfailing love of Jesus, confess our sins and come into the light, we gain our inheritance of the Kingdom (Ps 2:8) alongside Jesus as co-workers (Col 1:2). By living a life that honours God, faithfully serving Him, we not only get to know Him better, we also get to live in the freedom that Christ gave by dying on the cross.
How can we live this message of love, light & inheritance out in today’s culture?
Lord, I pray that as I marvel in your unfailing love, I may be strengthened by your glorious power which gives endurance and patience. May joy fill my heart in knowing I am your heir because Jesus purchased my freedom and forgave me of my sins. In the power of Christ Jesus, Amen.
Almighty Father,
You have given your only Son to die for our sins
And to rise again for our justification:
Grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness
That we may always serve you
In pureness of living and truth;
Through the merits of your son Jesus Christ our Lord
Who is alive and reigns with you
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.