Tuesday 21st April | Richard Barber
“Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” This quote is from David Foster-Wallace and it shows that each and every person directs their thoughts, affections and attention towards something. The question is what, or who, will you choose to worship? There are many reasons why I choose to worship God and Psalm 20 drives at one of them.
It opens with ‘May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.’ Throughout the book of Psalms – which is essentially the bible’s hymn book – we see soaring highs and gut-wrenching lows as various people bring their whole selves to God in the midst of all that life throws at them. Based on the opening this Psalm seems to be addressing the tougher times in life and, as it does so, it makes two assumptions. Both of these assumptions can be found in verse 3.
The first is that you have been worshipping. ‘May he remember all your sacrifices’ implies that God has seen all your worship thus far. The second is that you are continuing to worship which is shown by the indication that God will accept burnt offerings as an ongoing outpouring of praise. This tells us something fundamental about worship; it’s not about us! It’s not dependent on our circumstances, thoughts or feelings. If worship was based on how we felt then talk about worship during distressing times would seem alien. However, the complete opposite is true!
Rather than worshipping when we want to or because we feel like it, we worship because God is worthy of it. We worship because he’s with us in the bad times as well as the good and we worship because he not only sees our hurt and distress but because he entered into it, fought it, conquered it and delivered us from it. This is timely! Things are hard now as we’re separated from family, friends and loved ones but let’s not let that stop us from giving God the praise he deserves. Instead, let’s fall in line with the Psalmist’s assumption and let’s remember all the times God has met us in worship previously and let’s enter into worship all over again not because we feel like it but because he’s worthy.
Dear God,
Thank you that you are real. Thank you are with us. Thank you that you are worthy of praise.
Help us to be people that worship regardless of circumstances rather than because of them. You never promised life would be easy but you did promise you’d be with us in its ups and downs so would you send your holy spirit to guide us, teach us and propel us into worship. Thank you for all you have done for us, all you are doing in us and all you will do through us. May you help us to live lives that glorify you today and everyday.
Eternal God,
who gave great gifts to your servant Anselm
As a pastor and teacher:
Grant that we, like him, may desire
You with our whole heart
And, so desiring, may seek you
And, seeking, may find you;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.