Wednesday 22nd April | Anna Rowlands


Psalm 16

Psalm 30

Exodus 16:11-36

Colossians 2:1-15


The buzzword of this pandemic seems to be ‘unprecedented’- it litters every press conference, update and email. This situation is unfamiliar and rapidly changing. And yet, God is unchanging and provides all that we need.

In Psalm 16, God is described as a place of safety and comfort- we can turn to him for refuge from the onslaught of anxiety-inducing news headlines and notifications. Covid-19 has seen many of the things I enjoy and look forward to being paused or cancelled- I’m sure the same is true for you. David reminds us that “apart from you [God], I have no good thing.” Whilst the disappointment that we feel is natural, let us remember that God alone is “our portion and cup”. He gives us enough, and we don’t need the other things we have unknowingly been relying on as our portion.

This assurance that God will provide what is needed is echoed in the Exodus passage- the Israelites are in the wilderness, yet each morning manna (bread) miraculously appears. Initially, God’s people don’t recognise the “flakes like frost” as food. I was reminded that God does not always act how we might expect him to- we need to trust his sovereignty over our human understanding.

The passage from Colossians instructs us to “continue to live our lives in Him” – the world around us is changing, but Jesus isn’t. His character and his Lordship remain constant. Let us cling to Him and find our peace and joy in Him.


Loving Father, thank you that your presence is a place of refuge when the world feels frightening.

I pray we would learn to find our peace in you and your promises. Point us to what we have been depending on and help us give it up in order that we find more of you and your joy.

Thank you that in your word we see countless examples of your provision. We lift up those on the frontline against this virus and ask that you provide them with wisdom and comfort.

May we continue to be rooted in you and cling to the truth that you are the merciful, loving, powerful Lord.



Almighty Father,

You have given your only Son to die for our sins

And to rise again for our justification:

Grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness

That we may always serve you

In pureness of living and truth;

Through the merits of your son Jesus Christ our Lord

Who is alive and reigns with you 

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Thursday 23rd April | Becca Huttly


Tuesday 21st April | Richard Barber