Wednesday 20th May | Naoise Webster


Psalm 132

Psalm 133

Numbers 17:1-11

Luke 7:1-10


This is such a bizarre time! However, I have found it helpful for one particular thing… Working on relationships. The lack of activity has made me think more carefully about my relationship with God, while the lack of human contact has shown be how much I cherish my friends and family.

Reading all these verses, it strikes me that relationships are central to all of them. Psalm 132 reflects on relationship with God. It talks of David’s deep desire to honour God and the honour that God bestows on David. The passage makes clear that God “will not revoke” the promises he has made to David. It’s a wonderful reminder that while Covid may have changed my plans it’s not changed God’s plans or promises to us.

Psalm 133 talks about God delighting in strong human relationships particularly in the church. While in Numbers 17:1-11 we see how God intervenes when those human relationships let you down. Here, God intervenes because of the Israelite’s “constant grumbling” against Moses (v7). I was struck by how much God cares about the grief Moses is getting within his community and that he intervenes and fortifies the people in the positions and roles he’s given them.

In Luke 7:1-10 we see a beautiful picture of relationship with Jesus. We see crazy faith and hope in a situation where all hope appears to have been lost. It’s incredible that in this passage the man approaches Jesus as he would a friend, however, he has no doubt that he is talking to a God who breathes life and hope into situations where no one else can.


Dear Father God,

Thank you that you are always there. Thank you that you care deeply for our relationship with you. Thank you that though our situations may change you do not, nor do your promises of hope grace and peace.

Thank you God for blessing us with a church community and we pray for your protection and guidance in our relationships with each other, that they always point towards you and support each other. Thank you also for the relationships we have with other friends and family and please support those relationships during this time of distance. Thank you God that you care about our relationships and that you intervene where we need you to.

Thank you for Jesus. Thank you that through him you breathe life where no one else can.



God of wisdom, eternal light,

Who shone in the heart of your servant Alcuin,

Revealing to him your power and pity:

Scatter the darkness of our ignorance that,

With all our heart and mind and strength,

We may seek your face

And be brought with all your saints to your holy presence;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Thursday 21st May | Lee Kirkby


Tuesday 19th May | Paul Myers