Friday 26th June | Peter Spencer
In this present day or at some point during our lives, we may feel worthless and far from God due to our sins and wrong-doings. One of the key themes which stood out to me in these passages is that of the new life God offers to us, and that he is always close by. Through knowing God, we are cleansed from our sin (Psalm 51:2), so although we should strive to avoid sin in our lives, we shouldn’t become weighed down by our sin, for God offers us a fresh life filled with hope, joy and the Holy Spirit. Alternatively, we can pray that The Lord will help us to recognise our sins and help us to take steps to change our ways to live our lives more for God and less for ourselves.
Throughout Psalm 54, it describes how even when we may feel alone, unloved or far from those around us or even far from God himself, we should still trust that he is close by, no matter what it may seem to us. For me during this period of lockdown, I have at many times felt further from other people and sometimes further from God, but reading this scripture has really helped to confirm the closeness of The Lord in our lives.
As disciples of Jesus, our role model is Jesus himself. Whilst we may never become as perfect as Jesus whilst we are on Earth, we can still follow in the footsteps of Jesus. One way in which we can do this is through helping those who are in need or are disadvantaged out of love and goodwill (Luke 14:12-24), and not just for personal satisfaction or to make ourselves look good to others. At the end of the day, we are all equal to God so we are all equal to each other, regardless of our wealth, gender, ethnicity etc. We can help those who are weak or those who are yet to know God by showing our Faith through our actions, so that people may be able to see the good news of The Lord through us (Judges 6:25-end). I struggle to talk to those with no Faith about my Faith, as I’m concerned about what they may think or say, but as this passage conveys, we can show our Faith and be evangelistic just through our day-to-day actions through living in a Godly manner, as well as through speech and conversation.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the new life which you have given to us, and that you have washed away our inadequacies and sin. Please help us to remember that our old ways have been put to death, especially during times of pain or suffering.
Lord, thank you that you are always close by, and that there is no situation too big or small that you cannot handle. Please help us to be reassured by your presence and love in every moment, and that those around us may also be aware of your presence.
Please guide us Lord to help us build our lives around you, and to remember that we are living for you and not for ourselves. Thank you almighty, everlasting Lord.
In Jesus’ name,
Lord, you have taught us
That all our doings without love are nothing worth:
Send your Holy Spirit
And pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,
The true bond of peace and all virtues,
Without which whoever lives is counted dead before you.
Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.